
Call for STARTUP COMPANIES operating in the green and blue economy sectors

In the framework of Startup10 program, which aims to promote food security and youth employment in ten (10) Italian cooperation partner countries (Albania, Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Tunisia and Uganda), four (4) startup companies candidates will be recruited by Centre for Economic and Rural Development (CERD)  to participate to the program of development of local startup companies operating in the green and blue economy sectors, with a focus on digitization processes.

The successful candidates will benefit from a support course in the form of coaching, at the end of which they will have the opportunity to present a pitch of their projects to a jury composed of national and international experts who will choose 1 winner. The award for the winner consists in a prize of € 5.000,00 to be used in the form of support tools, training, coaching, services and equipment according to the choice of the winner, as well as in participation in an Open Innovation program with an Italian company.

The Rules of the Call for Application, published on the website of STARTUP10 program ( and on the website of Centre for Economic and Rural Development (CERD), contains all information on the conditions of participation, registration, selection criteria and the conduct of the STARTUP10 Call for Applications.

Participation in the call for applications implies the unconditional acceptance by the candidates of the said Regulation in its entirety, the rules of ethics in force on the Internet, as well as laws, regulations and other texts applicable in the countries concerned by the STARTUP10 program.

This registration must be received at Centre for Economic and Rural Development (CERD), in the manner indicated at no later than April 30, 2024 (23:59 CET time).

Please find Rules of the Call for Application HERE.

Application form can be downloaded HERE.